I am reminded today through my Bible study that God can be trusted. We are not always convinced of this are we? We probably would not say this outloud, but we often live our lives this way oftentimes not realizing the message that we are giving him. I think about Adam in the garden and how the serpent tempted him with these words, "Did God really say?" The element of distrust was introduced...we deal with this everyday in all of our decisions. I am doing a study on sex right now. Why is it that we believe our culture and media know way more than the very creator of life, the one who made us male and female and the very one who thought up sexuality? The very thing that can bring us to the height of ectasy and pleasure and oneness with our mate is the very thing that can bring much heartache and pain if not experienced in the safety of marriage. Why is it that we always think we know better? Why is it that we always think we can handle something that is so mysterious and so powerful when out of the context that it was meant for? Think about fire...it is an awesome gift to help us stay warm when it is cold, to allow us to cook our food, but when it is out of control and not within the confines of a fire pit or stove, it can be so destructive...annihilating a whole forest before we have the chance to blink...Same with guns. We talk about the need to respect guns and rightfully so. We can use them to get our dinner or to protect us from a wild animal and yet they can used to murder the innocent or used wrongly in a "crime of passion."
Did our belief that we knew better than God pan out very well for us in the garden? I guess some might think so, but I fail to see it. Do we really know better than God? Can we be so arrogant to think that the creature is smarter or wiser than the Creator? What pain we have put ourselves through to believe the deception and the lies of the enemy of our souls, the very one who wants to steal, kill, and destroy us and what better way to get through to us than our ego?
This whole thing about our sexuality boils down to a lack of understanding of a God who really loves us, wants the best for us, and can be trusted. He is Almighty. Omnipotent. Powerful. And yet He is loving and kind to all He has made. He truly loves us and gives us His laws not to control, but to allow us more freedom and peac in our lives. He already knows what will happen if we choose to go our own way...these laws are for our protection, our peace of heart and mind, and the way that brings us much joy and happiness. Think about it...where does the fear, the regret, the heartache all come from? Does it come from following what God calls us to do or from deciding that I want to do it my own way and in my own time? I am going to make this or that happen. That is where the pain comes from in our lives...
I think of all the ways we can get off track in our world today...have too much to drink and hop into a car and you can find yourself dead, in prison for killing an innocent person, or saddled with fines and a loss of a license. Drugs...same story. Stealing. Murder. Maybe we do it in fun...who do you think you are to tell me what I can or cannot do? Okay...go ahead...you will be the one to pay dearly for years to come in one way or another. Following the laws of God brings peace, a life with no regrets, a past with less shame and guilt, a testimony of the faithfulness of God. Perfect? No, not hardly...but, way less baggage...
In looking at the Ten Commandments this morning I was struck by how God put the commandment to honor our father and mother there...why? I believe because when we respect the authoritiy in our lives, it sets us up for success. As soon as we rebel and think they don't know anything, we set ourselves up for going in our own way- for doing what seems right to us in our own eyes and that is a dangerous slippery slope...relativism...if it feels right do it...where has it gotten us?
It is the revelation of his love and care for us that we desperately need. Can we not see that the overarching message of the gospel, which means good news, is God's love for those He has made. Think about how we are with our children... do we set down rules just so we can control them? Or do we set down rules and guidelines so that they are protected and safe? We do it because we love them. One thing I have discovered is that training a child is not fun- it is hard work. We have to be consistent, unrelenting, and we have to risk not being their best friend, they may not like us for a while...why do we do it? Because we know the outcome if we do and we know the outcome if we don't and because we know this, we do it because we love them!
That is the heart of our father- love. He loves us that much. He can be trusted with our hearts! He is the one that will tell us the truth even when it is what we don't want to hear...will we receive what He has to say and know that it comes from a heart of love and compassion on all He has made? Oh, how He loves us!