We are not as Strong as we Think we are...

Welcome, this blog has random thoughts about living life...please feel free to leave your thoughts, I'd love to hear them!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Adoption Decree

So, this past Wednesday our foster son became our adopted son simply by the decree of a judge in a court room.  He asked my husband and I if we were willling to take on the responsibility for this child now and forever into the future.  We have been caring and raising our son since April 16, 2010 and this official decree took place on December 29, 2010.  He is now officially our heir.  He now has all rights as our son!

So many parallels with our relationship with our God.  We are the children of God, but it is not until we receive Christ that God (the judge) honors what Christ has done on our behalf and then calls us the children of God.  He decrees it.  He takes full responsibility for us at that point.  Even when we mess up, fail, and do do stupid stuff...he is still our father and we are still his children.  We receive all the benefits of being called the children of God.  Eternal life.  The abundant life.  Provision.  Peace.  Inner joy.

Being a parent sure has given me a greater glimpse into the heart of God for his children!  I think about my son...when he does something wrong at nine months old, do I think, "you should have known better."  No!  I realize that he has a  lot of growing up and learning to do.  He is immature.  I do not expect him to act like an adult at this age...I give him grace and patiently teach him what he needs to learn step by step.  That is what our father does for us!  He knows that we are dust.  He knows our frailities and is not surprised when we fall down, fail, make horrific blunders...he knows we have a lot of growing up to do.  He knows that we still need to mature in our faith and is willing to take us by the hand step by step and patiently teach us a different way.  Wow, that amazes me that the God of the universe would take that kind of time with me and tenderly lead me where I need to go...

Just as my son does not ask where his next meal is going to come from and how are we going to afford it and how are we going to keep this roof over our heads...he trusts to the point that it never even enters his mind.  Do we trust our father like that?  Completely...implicitly...totally?  He is fully trustworthy!  Think of that scripture that says if you give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to you?  The lilies of the field do not toil, but yet they are arrayed in splendor that even King Solomon could not rival...wow!  When we really, really get it...it will blow our mind!

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