We are not as Strong as we Think we are...

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Would You Have Me Do For You?

Have you ever considered that question?  Can you imagine the God of the universe asking you this question?   It amazes me that He would ask me what I would like Him to do for me!  In the Old Testament I remember God was very pleased with Solomon for praying and asking God to give him wisdom...and what happened? He received lots of wisdom and everything else too!  (Though what happened to that wisdom at the end of of his life, it is hard to tell).  Yes, I agree with Solomon, I could use a huge dose of wisdom in my life and have asked the Lord many times for it.

But that question is so far reaching- world peace, how often have we prayed for that in one way or another for our neighbors, our friends, our family, ourselves?  That would be an amazing gift.  What about love?  Surely we could use more love in our world, in our households, and dare I say it, more love in our churches. We are all under construction so maybe we should ask for instant deliverance and healing?  I don't truly know how to answer that question for myself although I have pondered it for some time now.  It is a vast question and I always end with God knows what is best for me in the end, maybe I should pose the question back to Him, "What would You have You do for me?"  He sees the implications for everything in my life, not just my own experience of my life, but the ramifications that would affect the generations to come behind me and the lives around me.  As I said, it is more far reaching that this little brain can fathom from my finite perspective.

Am I over-spiritualizing this question?  Maybe.  Why couldn't He narrow the field just a little bit though.  You know, kind of like  with a young child..."Would you like this blue shirt or the white one?  Do you want to go the park or go for ice cream?"  He is so grand and I so small.  "His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts" He says in His Word.  How do I distill everything in my heart with just one thing or maybe He is not asking me for just one thing, maybe I can ask for whatever comes to my mind,maybe the sky is the limit, He is God after all and owns everything on the planet and has more wisdom to solve every problem we could think of "Lord, can I have healing for my friend, finances, a new job, restoration for our family, healing, direction....and the list could go and on"  I think He is saying yes, but His yes may not look like what I think it should look like or be in the timing that I am hoping for...

What do you think?  If you could ask God for anything, what would it be?   Do you have the faith to believe?

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