We are not as Strong as we Think we are...

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Indescribable Gifts

Not too long ago I was reading in the book of Numbers, not my favorite book of the Bible by any stretch of the imagination, but every word of the Bible is inspired and is there for a reason.  I try to read it on a daily basis with our son at breakfast time.  Some mornings I really pray that God shows us what we need to glean from some of these Old Testament chapters as oftentimes they can be dryer than unbuttered toast.  On this particular morning in January, I was struck by the number of animals that needed to be sacrificed everyday.  And, not only daily, but also special additional sacrifices that had to be done monthly, yearly and during special feasts and commemorative holy days.  To my count according to the text that I was reading it amounted to 67 lambs a month and not just any lambs, but the best of their flock, the unblemished ones, the best of the best.  In addition, there were bulls and rams as well the oil mixed with flour and the wine offerings.  I cannot imagine not only the level of bloodshed that took place, but the time it took everyday to prepare oneself and the animals and that's not even including the financial implications.  No wonder they had to have huge herds.  But, if they followed the commands that God laid out for them, God promised that they would be blessed far beyond any other nation of the earth.

I am so thankful that I live in a time where I can come boldly to the throne of grace.  I don't have to prepare for hours to approach Jehovah.  I don't have to go outside and slaughter my animals in the backyard or take their blood and sprinkle it.  Truly that grosses me out, I have no framework from which to work when it comes to imaging this whole ritual.  I can talk to God through Jesus anytime I have a need, a concern or just want to give Him thanks and praise.  No pomp, no circumstance, just come.  Because of how easy it is to come to God through grace, have we forgotten just how Holy He is?  People died in the Old Testament for not following precisely what God had prescribed for them to do.  Aaron's son's died in the temple.  Priests were pulled out of the tabernacle by a rope due to one wrong move.  Do we really understand just how big His grace is towards us who believe?   We have such freedom in our walk with Christ, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free".

And yet, James says that "Faith without works is dead" and the Old Testament says, "To obey is better than sacrifice".  Even in the midst of the prescribed sacrifices that God's people needed to give, He was even more concerned with their heart to obey.  Obedience is the the best example of Worship.  Worship is not just for a Sunday morning music sing-a-long.  Worship is a way of life and nothing says worship better than doing what God calls us to do.  "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart".  We cannot fool God- "Where your treasure is there your heart will be also".  Do I do what God has asked me to do?  Do I do it quickly?  Is my treasure truly with God?  All questions I must ask myself in the midst of a world with so  many distractions and not just ask once but over and over and over!  I am so grateful for a Savior who is always praying on my behalf...not only is He the Lamb of the world, but my high priest that makes intercession for me!  What peace that brings to me, He loves me that much!  Blessed be the Name of the Lord!  If that thought doesn't move you to worship, what will?  Praise be to God for His indescribable gifts!

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