I spoke with the agency that we are going through for our second adoption. Liz stated that there are very few birthmothers coming in to discuss the possibility of adoption. We started our second adoption process in January of 2011, right after our son's adoption was finalized. We knew it could take quite a while. We are now two years and six months from the start of this journey and here we wait. And wait. And wonder and wish... we are not spring chickens at this point with me being 46-years-old and my husband nearing fifty. It was definitely disheartening to hear that the possibilities are slim, but I also know a God, my God who is in the business of miracles everyday, many of which we take for granted. Think of this miracle of life itself. I think of the gift of conception, without the hand of God, there would be no life at all. I have heard that humans can only get pregnant one or two days a month and yet "accidentally" many become pregnant all the time. Then the development of a baby and all the systems of the body that come together so that a healthy infant is born. Life is discarded all the over the world due to a baby getting in the way of plans, an inconvenience...the deception that we as a nation embrace is incomprehensible..."Children are a gift of the Lord" and yet we see them as getting in our way...
This morning I asked for others from our church to pray for those who find themselves in a difficult situation and are contemplating what they are going to do. We prayed that the hearts of a birthmother would be changed to choose life for their unborn child. Where are the protectors of those who cannot defend themselves? Where are the men and women who would be the voice of the voiceless? The irony is so great in my mind that the very ones who cry for women's choice are the very ones who were born to mother's who may have gotten pregnant at an inconvenient time and yet chose life that they would now live to condone another's death. How can people be tried for murder of an unborn baby and yet then be charged for murder after a botched abortion, the illogical inconsistencies abound and yet these same people would say that I am ignorant for thinking that a "mass of cells" or a "fetus" is actually a baby! We are busy protecting the whales and the eagles and other creatures, while we let the fruit of our wombs be ripped from it's protective cocoon only to be thrown in a trash can or clog up a drain. Hard to read? Yes! And yet, even harder to write, but the "Truth will set us free!" Sex was created to bring forth life, by God's design as well as be the glue that brings a man and a woman together for life-- we can say it isn't so and put our heads in the sand, but the truth is still the truth. To tell kids to engage in "safe" sex (like having sex doesn't bring forth a soul tie, to liken it to a handshake) and then tell them not to get pregnant? I guess the age of enlightenment is the epitome of illogical thinking; all to cover up what we already know deep in our hearts to be a lie, but the longer we tell ourselves these lies, the more firmly embedded they become and we actually start to believe them.
Interesting in how our pastor today referred to Matthew 6:25 where Jesus himself says that no one can serve two masters, either he will hate the one and love the other or love the one and hate the other..." "Love not the world nor the things of the world" says John in the book of John. We are recklessly selling our souls for the "lust of the world" and for the "pride of life". He went on to say that we are in a "death denial culture", we want to forget that death is a part of life. We do not want to be reminded of our physical demise. Looking in the face of death puts our whole life into perspective. What are we living for? What is our purpose? If all it is is to prove that we are successful by how prestigious a job we have or how much money we make or how big our house is or who our friends are, they will all pass away; whether you and I want to face it or not. Let us deny our own future death and therefore we do not have to ask ourselves the questions about whether or not there is an eternity and if we do live eternally then where will we be. Let's continue to deny the truth and align ourselves with the one that wants to kill, steal and destroy anything having to do with life and love and continue to live with only ourselves in mind, for our convenience...
Let us stand for what is true, let us stand for life. Let us choose righteousness over convenience. Selflessness over selfishness. Abortion comforts no one. The "problem" may appear to be alleviated, but the heartache lasts a lifetime. Let us look at the truth, no matter how awful that we would then choose what is good, what is eternal rather than the temporary "fix". For yourself and your unborn child, choose life. Let us put those children in empty arms...so many waiting hearts, so many...let us choose life for those unborn souls-- your mother did--!
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