I feel the stress of waiting and not knowing even if it is going to happen. I am frustrated in the wait. Many days I am at peace, but there is this languishing and longing that presses on my heart relentlessly. How does one pray for something so elusive, so nebulous? How does one pray when one does not even know if it will happen or even whether it is supposed to happen? I guess that is true for so many things in our lives...but we press on and we pray on...precisely because we do not know the future, but to be a bit trite; we know who holds the future!
I turn forty-eight this next birthday, just a month away...much older than a typical mother-in-waiting. Our son is now going to be five in April. Time is marching on and leaving our dreams in the shadows.
But God is God and we are not. He knows perfectly what He is up to, we just wish He would let us in on it. Are we to continue waiting or are we to say enough? It feels as though we have had enough waiting and wondering and wishing for a lifetime. But, the funny thing is, there will always be something else to wait for; maybe not as seemingly life-changing, but just as important for us at that time, I'm sure. So, maybe the prayer we need to pray is, "Lord, help us wait well" and "May we be ready for whatever answer you would have for us when it is time for us to know it".
And to that end, we wait...
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