We are not as Strong as we Think we are...

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Monday, March 7, 2011

What Is My Reward?

What do we really think God means when He says, "He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him?"  What is that reward?  What would I like it to be?  We all have our ideas of what we would like if we follow God, if we are "good".  You know what I mean..."I've been a good christian, why doesn't God give me this job promotion that I want?"  "I've saved myself all these years for my spouse, why does our marriage have to have trouble?"  or "I've obeyed God in tithing, why are we struggling financially?"  We ask so many questions because in our minds when we do what God says we feel that He owes us some things to make our life easier or more comfortable.  When God talks about rewarding those that diligiently seek Him, He is saying that He will reward us with His presence.  What greater reward can be found than to have God's very presence with us?  Do we really believe that that is the best reward I can get?  Do we really even want that reward, is it enough?  Or do we need God's presence plus all these other things that we think we need or want? 

Lord, I admit that there have been many times that I have not been convinced that You are enough...I want that to be true in my life though...reveal the truth to me.  If you won't go with me, then I will not go. 

Pastor Don reminded me again yesterday of one of my favorite quotes, "No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still."  Betsy Ten Boom said this while she was in a German prison camp for the Jews.  Talk about the degradation, sorrow, and heart break she endured.

We do not measure the goodness of God by our experierences- He is good all the time even when we cannot see it.  Even when we are not convinced of it. 

Knowing God is the reward!  The only difference between me and someone else, is the presence of God in my life and that is not my own doing so that I cannot boast!  It would do us well to remember who makes us who we are in the first place. 

"The earth is full of burning bushes for those that have eyes to see; everyone else is picking berries."  Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  Lord, open my eyes to see beyond what my temporal eyes can see...I want to see into the spirit...to see the burning bushes of meeting with you so that I can experience you more intimately, more deeply, more fully now and in eternity.

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