But, let me fill you all in on the details after my husband was laid off. He was looking for a job for about two months or so and of course, once he had gotten his new job we were put back on the ready and waiting list, that was in February of 2010. During that time we were pretty disheartened...I remember talking to my brother on his birthday, April 10th and he was asking if we had heard anything about the adoption. I was pretty discouraged and told him we hadn't. My husband was gone on a Tres Dias weekend serving and I was home alone for three days- I found myself watching a movie from the library called, "The Business of Being Born" talking about home births, which is definitely nothing I would usually pick out, let alone watch. Fast forward a few days to Wednesday evening, I was still at work around 5:30 p.m. Kent was waiting for me in the lobby where I worked at the HomeCare agency as he was on jury duty, he would normally not even be there on that day. I am working in my office when I get a call from Sheila in Billings, a social worker for Lutheran Social Services. Anyway, I was very casual and asked her how she was and then what she said next sent my mind and emotions into a tailspin of epic proportion..."We have a baby". "What", I asked incredously, "We have a baby!" "No way, no way!", I exclaimed. I was trying to get myself together for a full five minutes or for eternity, I'm not sure which. Finally I caught my breath and she continued with the details, "birthmom is 5'9" tall, strawberry blonde...", my thoughts were all jumbled and I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying. I do remember some of the girls at the office were still at work as well and they kept asking me if everything was okay- once they realized I was getting the call that I had been waiting for they kept asking, "Is it a boy or a girl"..."Is it a boy or a girl". I never heard that part. Finally I asked Sheila, "Is it a boy or a girl?" "It's a boy". "Are you interested", she asked. "YES!" The whole thing was surreal, we were talking about when we could pick him up, it was otherworldly. I hung up the phone and my friend Carrie calls me on my cell phone, "Did you get a call from LSS?" How does she know, I thought...come to find out they had called her phone number first as her last name is the same as ours...then I'm calling my boss and telling her we are going to Billings on Thursday and will be picking him up on Friday...what a whirlwind. Mandi brought in a car seat for us to borrow. I called family and friends. What was really funny was when I went to our small group at Dave and Susie's and sat in the chair chatting with Dave about computers and Susie was in the back room somewhere. She comes out and asks me how I'm doing, "Good, REALLY GOOD!" "Really?" "Yeah, we're going to have a baby!" They all screamed and our small group took us to get stuff at Target right then and there (since we had NOTHING!" They spent well over $100 getting us outfitted for our trip to Billings with baby garb-
I will leave you here for now...stay tuned as I tell of our two days in Billings getting ready to meet our son...
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