How difficulty to put into words what horrific angst these families are going through- this is my feeble attempt at shedding hope in a very, very dark place of the soul. Lord, bring comfort to the hurting. God of all comfort, comfort!
When I heard of the shooting
At Sandy Hook Elementary;
My heart fell to my feet
As I learned of such grave tragedy.
Why would someone do this?
What could the reason be?
We will never know or guess
The meaning of this mystery.
What does one say to a mother
Who has lost her precious son?
The screams and the anguish on her face
Questions: "How can I go on?"
How can we comfort a father
Whose daughter leaves a mournful cry?
Nightmares taunt as sleep envelopes-
Wishing he would die...
We will never really know
What brokenness these souls now carry;
The heartache and the loss
Lives etched forever-- in catastrophe.
But, there is hope beyond the grave
Although the tough walk home seems long;
Our loved ones wait with open arms,
Our memory of them encouraging-- us along.
Although we are left with souls shattered and torn
Reminding us that evil still remains-
Our resolve to love and not to hate is tested
An undying song of hope flickers and sustains.
You express well the wallk of faith in the midst of indescrible agony and loss. You share questions which are better asked than answered. And you end in a place of faith and hope, without which such tragedy would be impossible to bear.