We are not as Strong as we Think we are...

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Little Irritations...

I decided that if I just start writing down my irritations maybe I can learn to let them go...Lord, help me....they are not that big in the scheme of eternity are they?  I will probably feel ridiculous once I see them here and that will be a good thing!

-Having coffee at 3 a.m. and then complaining that he cannot sleep.
-Leaving the ground coffee jar empty because he used the last one at 3 a.m. and now I have to grind it for my cup.
-Wearing jogging pants to bed, isn't that just the exact opposite of what they are for?
-Making popcorn and 'cleaning' the pot although I find it oily on the outside and the counters have not been cleaned.
-Going in to find our son has leftover food and/or milk on his face or that he is soaking wet from head to toe.
-Seeing him go in to bathe our son and what seems to be two minutes later coming back out the other way.
-Every time he sits to watch tv, he has a blanket on and it is up to his nose. (this just doesn't seem norrmal for a guy).  Is that cool?
-He is always cold and complains the house is cold and therefore puts the blankets over his head...
-before going to work he does not shower and sometimes does not brush his teeth...
-Having to have the easiest hair style, won't put lotion on his face or take care of himself and yet wonders why he is looking old.  Why do guys feel they are exempt from taking care of themselves? 

Will these habits every change?  Are they really something to quibble over?  Complaining does not help- that is probably the problem- it is the amount, the frequency of my complaints and the way that I am saying it.  Is it respectful?  No, I feel like he is more like a child in so many ways so that is how I end up treating  him, which I know is not right, but how do I see him differently?  I hear myself talk to him and it is rude, disrespectful, and frequently sarcastic...not the way God calls me to treat anyone...let alone my husband.  \

Then there are my own idiosyncrasies too, do I see them as well?  What do I do that bugs him?  He probably thinks I am like a child too, especially in my emotions...I get so emotionally about so many things.

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