I saw pictures today that I could not believe...I saw babies body parts torn to bits. I saw piles of babies in trash cans. I saw heads that were severed off of their bodies. I saw burned, blackened tiny bodies that were left alone to die. How can a civilized nation perform such heinous evils? I do not understand how anyone could even be a part of something so inhumane. We humans are capable of so much good and so much evil. It is another deception of the highest order. How can so many so called smart people be a part of this.
Choice. An interesting word don't you think? It implies that one can pick this or that...The abortion agenda touts that woman are to have free choice, but at whose expense? Is it ever okay to choose something that will take another's choice away? Is it okay to murder someone because that person made us mad or got in our way, inconvenienced us in some way? Every choice that I make has an action and a reaction. My actions affect others. Why is it okay to annihilate innocent babies in the wound, a voiceless generation so that no one will know we were pregnant or had sex before marriage- all to hide our sin or to eliminate something that gets in our way. Does that baby have a choice? Its okay to torture and kill the ones that cannot defend themselves, no one will know? How can this practice be legal while literally killing my neighbor would put in prison even if I killed him in self defense. This makes no logical sense! I do not understand how the country can be okay with this. Do they really know the truth of this practice, it's horrendous, heinous acts? Are we so called smart people that deceived?
I think of our son that we adopted- his birthmother chose life this time. He could have been aborted. We would not have been blessed with his precious life. We are so grateful for him. His birthmother had two therapeutic abortions in the past, he too could have been found blue in a trash can somewhere. This holocaust continues due to our selfishness. These atrocities take place every day all over our country because people either don't know the truth or they don't care to know the truth. Someone actually wrote that they were disgusted that someone posted these gruesome, but truthful pictures on Facebook even more than they were disgusted at the fact that these actually go on...wow! God help us. Have mercy on us! Children are a blessing from the Lord, not something to be thrown away!
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